10 Meditation & Breathing Techniques To Avoid Your …

Anyone who has ever had a panic attack will tell you that one of the most terrifying aspects of the experience is the sense of being imprisoned. While panic waves sweep over you, it may seem as if there is no way to make the sensations go away—as if there is no way out. You begin to doubt if you will ever feel normal or in control again.

All panic attacks ultimately pass, and to a point, you just have to ride through the waves of your panic attack till it passes. However, there are techniques to control panic attacks so that they resolve more quickly and even ways to prevent panic attacks in the first place.


How do Meditation & Breathing Techniques Help?

Meditation is one of the most effective strategies for managing panic attacks. Numerous studies have shown that meditation may significantly reduce anxiety and stress-related symptoms.

Rest assured that you do not need to be an "expert" in meditation to receive the advantages. According to research, people suffering from anxiety may begin to feel better after only one or two introductory meditations.

Let's examine how meditation and breathing techniques may aid in the treatment of panic attacks and some easy breathing techniques for panic attack meditations.


1. Breathing Through an Alternative Nostril

Alternate-nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) entails closing one nostril while breathing through the other in a regular sequence. To preserve your pose while practicing this form of anxiety-relieving breathing, it's best to do it while seated.

2. Breathing Through the Belly

The American Institute of Stress reports that 20 to 30 minutes of belly breathing each day may help alleviate stress and anxiety. Locate a quiet, comfortable spot to sit or lie down. For instance, sit on a chair in a cross-legged position or on your back with a tiny pillow behind your head and another beneath your knees. 

3. Breathing in a Box

Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, is a relatively easy technique to learn and practice. Indeed, if you've ever found yourself inhaling and exhaling in time with a bit of music, you’re already acquainted with this kind of timed meditation and breathing technique. 


4. 4-7-8 Inhalation

The 4-7-8 breathing exercise, often known as the calming breath, functions as a natural nervous system relaxant. To begin with, it is preferable to sit with your back straight and complete the exercise. However, after you’ve mastered this meditation and breathing technique, you may use it while resting in bed. 


5. The Lion's Breath

Lion’s breath, or simhasana in sanskrit, is another beneficial deep meditation and breathing technique that involves sticking out your tongue and roaring like a lion. It may assist in relaxing facial and jaw muscles, relieving tension, and improving cardiovascular function. 

The exercise is most effective when done in a comfortable sitting posture with your hands on your knees or the floor. 

6. Conscious breathing 

Concentrating on your breathing and directing your attention to the present moment without allowing your mind to wander to the past or future is what mindfulness meditation entails. It has resulted in changes in brain structure and how we perceive stress. It is a type of meditation and breathing technique that reduces the chances of having panic attacks. 

7. Pursed-Lip Inhalation

Pursed-lip inhalation is a basic breathing technique that can assist you in taking slower, more deliberate deep breaths. This approach has been shown to help those who suffer from anxiety due to lung illnesses such as emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

8. Breathing by Resonance

Coherent breathing, or resonance breathing, may assist you in achieving a calm mood and reducing anxiety. It is a meditation and breathing technique in which the person takes 5 breaths in a minute to relax the mind and body and to overcome the panic attack. 


9. Exercises for Beginners 

You may repeat this practice as often as necessary. It is possible to do it while standing, sitting, or laying down. If you're having difficulty with this exercise or feel it's causing you anxiety or fear, stop for now. Retry it in a day or two and progressively increase the time.


How To Develop An Anxiety-Relieving Deep Breathing Practice

Breathing shallowly contributes to anxiety. When individuals are worried, they often take quick, shallow breaths straight from the chest. 

This kind of meditation and breathing technique, referred to as throacic or chest breathing, disrupts the body’s oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, resulting in an elevated heart rate, dizziness, muscular tension, and other physical feelings. Your blood is not being oxygenated adequately, which may indicate the onset of a stress reaction that leads to anxiety and panic episodes. 

On the other hand, diaphragmatic or deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, a component of the peripheral nervous system that regulates heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, and digestion. Deep breathing enables you to avoid the "fight-or-flight" reaction (acute stress response) to frightening mental or physical conditions. 


Breathing from the chest vs. breathing from the abdomen 

While most individuals are unaware of their breathing patterns, there are two distinct kinds of breathing patterns: 

Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing: 

This is a sort of deep and even meditation and breathing technique that activates the diaphragm, enabling the lungs to expand and producing negative pressure that forces air into the lungs via the nose and mouth. This is the natural way for newborns to breathe. You're probably also breathing in this rhythm while you're in a calm state of sleep. 

Breathing via the thoracic (chest): 

this kind of breathing originates in the chest and is characterized by fast, shallow breaths. When you are nervous, you may be unaware that you are breathing in this manner. 

Put one hand on your upper belly, around your waist, and the other on the center of your chest to assess your breathing rhythm. Observe whose hand lifts the most while you breathe. 

If you're breathing correctly, each breath should cause your abdomen to expand and contract (and the hand on it should raise the most). It's crucial to be conscious of these distinctions during times of stress and anxiety, when you're more inclined to breathe from your chest.



To make deep breathing effective for you, it's important to pay attention to your body and be aware of how worry affects your daily life. If you continue to experience extreme anxiety after practicing deep breathing, consider visiting a mental health expert or medical doctor for evaluation and treatment suggestions.

If you have a lung condition, like COPD or asthma, or if you have trouble breathing, talk to your doctor before you start any kind of breathing exercise.


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